Cultural Competence



Technology, virtual working and the need to connect globally has made interactions around the globe a common experience. Differing cultural perceptions however can inflict on teamwork, motivation and productivity leading to unnecessary costs. Understanding our own value systems and those of the people we work with can create innovative synergies.

The workshop is designed for companies operating in different international cultural environments, keen to tap into the full pool of talent and/or working with diverse teams already.  

In order to interact, communicate, build relationships and work effectively with people from diverse backgrounds  and obtain related skills is essential for organisations. Developing cultural competence is a process which builds over time and requires learning about oneself and others becoming more effective in the interactions with others.  Our training is designed to assist participants on how to move forward to develop cultural competence, understand different cultures and where conflict may originate, build on diversity and increase organisational learning on the whole.

Who is it for?

This workshop is aimed at personnel dealing with international teams, such as executives, project managers, marketing personnel and hotel staff.

Format & duration

This workshop is full of hands-on practice and interactive games. Based on each company’s profile, we will work with interactive methods and business scenarios. This is a half-day course, ideally for a group of 12 people.


  • Create understanding and overcoming challenges based on diverse cultural values.
  • Learn how to minimize business risk in exploring new markets.
  • Learn how to create cross-cultural understanding in a team.
  • Learn how to be constructive, integrating differences to gain a competitive advantage.


Half day classroom training @650,00€ + VAT for max. 12 attendees.