Sustainability – A mandate for managing people and organisational culture

You may pride yourself with a lot of great initiatives that are aimed at sustainable development. But do you really walk the talk? Can you show that the sustainability agenda starts on your own doorstep and spreads along your value chain? This course will help you to understand how to “translate” a company vision for every employee and align “externally” promoted mission with what you do internally.

Purpose driven and business smart – Guerilla Tactics for “Non-Profits”

Non-profits are driven by passionate individuals and organisation who seek purpose and make an impact. However, the need to achieve financial sustainability, be able to diversify funding streams and tap into corporate social responsibility funds, requires non-profits to adopt a business approach, have efficient procedures, policies and governance in place that ensure transparency. But often small organisations lack skills and competencies required to be able to proof to donors that they can deliver what they say.

Cultural Competence

Technology, virtual working and the need to connect globally has made interactions around the globe a common experience. Differing cultural perceptions however can inflict on teamwork, motivation and productivity leading to unnecessary costs. Understanding our own value systems and those of the people we work with can create innovative synergies.

Getting it right! How to match jobs with right skills.

Hiring the right people, matching them to the right jobs and ensuring that their talent can be retained and fully utilized seems to be an increasing challenge for small and medium-sized companies. The hidden costs of not getting it right are often underestimated. This course provides hands-on techniques to achieve effective and long term placements.

Inspiring feedback and successful performance management

Good management has a significant impact on employee engagement levels and their overall perception of the organization. Employees who are satisfied with their boss report a much higher intention to stay with the organization than those who are dissatisfied. Those who rate their managers as good also feel that they have promising prospects within the company, as well as confidence in the organization’s future. This workshop teaches practical techniques on how to excel by giving regular constructive feedback and adopting a two-way dialogue.