Unconscious Bias



We all have unconscious bias. However, often we are not aware of it which can lead to misunderstanding and negatively impact our decision making. Raising awareness of mental shortcuts that lead to snap judgments—often based on race and gender—about people’s talents or character, will make recruitment and promotion fairer and improve interactions with customers and among colleagues. This course is intended to teach attendees to manage their biases, change their behavior, and track their progress.

Who is it for?

This knowledge pill is directed at anybody who would like to gain awareness and  develop skills to help you recognize and take action to manage bias.

Duration & format

This is a 2,5 hour face to face  course designed for max. 20 participants where attendees will leave with specific key takeaways that can be implemented immediately.


Understand the concept of unconscious bias.

Understand how biases can influence workplace decisions.

Learn how to recognise bias and how to change behaviour and make informed decisions.


2,5 hour training @450,00€ + VAT for max. 20 attendees